Drink Your Coffee At The Right Time Of The Day

Coffee… is it good for you? Coffee can cause energy crashes, high blood pressure, insomnia, and even hypertension. These opinions are diverse.

Many professionals say that caution with any caffeine source is very important, but on the other side, we have scientific studies about coffee which show that coffee’s effects are far less alarming than the effects of refined sugar and processed foods.

However, there is consensus on when coffee should be drank.

The Worst Time to Drink Coffee

1. First thing in the morning

Most people drink their first cup of coffee at 9 a.m. American culture has made it a tradition to drink coffee right after you wake up. You should also know that cortisol levels rise naturally between 8-9 a.m. and are higher during this time (for those who sleep normally). You will experience two things if your consumption occurs during this time.

  • Stress levels and feelings of jitteriness will increase – Caffeine cortisol + natural cortisol = too much cortisol (the stress hormone). This will make your day more stressful.
  • You will develop a higher tolerance to caffeine –A higher tolerance is when your body requires higher doses of caffeine in order to reach the best energy effects it needs.

A Better AlternativeIt is best to have your coffee between 9:30 and 11:15 am. The cortisol levels will be lower during this time.

2. Lunchtime

Drinking coffee between 12 – 1 p.m. is also counterproductive, for the same reasons.

A Better AlternativeAfter 1 pm, your cortisol levels will drop again. Many of us have experienced that post-lunchtime feeling of sleepiness. Drinking a cup between 1:30-5 a day will increase your energy levels.

You can find the handy chart at the blog below “I Love Coffee” cleverly maps out the times of day when it’s best to enjoy a mug full of java.

3. Directly after a Meal

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that coffee taken with a meal or an hour after a meal reduces iron absorption by 44%. This effect is even more pronounced if the coffee has sugar or milk.

It is very important:This warning is for iron-deficiency patients.

Alternatives that are better:It’s better to have hot maca after dinner. Hot maca is delicious when it’s mixed with cinnamon and cacao. You also get energy levels and mood enhancements.

Also, after dinner, take a stroll. It is good for your overall well-being.

4. Within 3-4 hours of Bedtime

Coffee consumed in the hours prior to bedtime can cause insomnia and restlessness.

Better AlternativeEnjoy a cup decaffeinated herbal tee to help you sleep peacefully at night. The calming properties of lavender, chamomile and valerian root teas include passion root, chamomile, chamomile and valerian root.

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