T5 – Lazy Girl https://lazy-girl.net makeing healthy eating easy, delicious, and fun Mon, 27 Mar 2023 14:54:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://lazy-girl.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/cropped-1-32x32.png T5 – Lazy Girl https://lazy-girl.net 32 32 Add These Foods To Your Diet to Keep You Energized All Day https://lazy-girl.net/add-these-foods-to-your-diet-to-keep-you-energized-all-day/ Sun, 26 Mar 2023 20:57:56 +0000 https://lazy-girl.net/?p=2529 Long workdays coupled with unhealthy eating patterns leave most of us feeling like we could use more energy. Many times, we turn to instant caffeine boosters like soda or coffee for an instant energy boost.

While the immediate jolt feels good, soon enough we’re struggling again with fatigue — and unfortunately, an afternoon nap is no longer in the cards for most of us!

Especially with summer plans in full swing, it’s easy to feel run down this time of the year when our social calendars fill up with multiple meals out and not enough restorative sleep.

Keep this list handy when selecting your next meal or when you start to feel sluggish — use our tips and we promise you’ll be feeling more energetic and recharged in no time!

1. Water

Water, water, water – you hear it every day, but for good reason! Our bodies are about 60% water so yes, this means your skin, muscles, and brain are mostly made of water.

Hydration is the key to a healthy body. Good old H2When it comes to beverages, O is the way you should go. Research suggests that even mild dehydration may slow down your metabolism and decrease your energy.

Keep hydrated with water and avoid “hunger for thirst.” Remember, you should drink at least eight glasses of water per day. Here are some tips to increase your water intake.

  • Use lemon juice or orange
  • Mix basil, mint and cucumber
  • Cayenne pepper in a pinch
  • For bubbly water, switch to flat.

2. Eggs

I’m sure you know by now that eggs are a great source of protein (6.5 grams of protein in one medium egg!).

Did you know that eggs contain a lot of vitamins and minerals to increase energy and immunity?

When you eat some eggs, you’re also fueling up your body with iron and zinc. Iron is vital to a woman’s body to help boost energy and relieve you of feeling run down and tired.

Zinc provides an additional boost to your immune system. It also aids in the conversion of food into energy.

Try this:Make a breakfast that is energy-boosting by preparing three eggs, adding avocado and salsa and wrapping it in a tortilla

3. Walnuts

You’ve probably heard that walnuts are good for your mind because of their eerie familiarity with our brain.

They are jam-packed with nutrients, and something we don’t get enough of in our average modern diet.

These can provide you with up to 90% of the recommended daily intakes of omega-3 fatty acid.

This will not only increase your energy but also protect you against stroke risk and high blood pressure.

These tiny nuts have a lot of anti-inflammatory benefits and are delicious.

Try this:A handful of walnuts mixed with some cranberries, banana chips and put them in a ziplock bag.

4. Spinach

Popeye the Sailor didn’t down cans of spinach for no reason. Spinach is rich in iron, which can help to fight sluggishness. It also helps strengthen your muscles.

The next time you’re feeling tired and out of it, just think green! This leafy, green color will bring you back from fatigue and boost your energy levels so you can face the day with more vitality and energy.

Try this:Blend a few spinach leaves with coconut water and some frozen pineapple, ginger, lemon, and lemon juice to make a zesty green smoothie.

5. Greek Yogurt

The Mediterranean is famous for both healthy and delicious eats, but Greek culture certainly wins when it comes to knowing what to do with yogurt.

Greek yogurt is higher in protein and lowers in sugar and sodium than traditional yogurt. Greek yogurt is more filling than traditional yogurt, and will help keep your stomach fuller for longer.

Keep it at 2% whole or plain fat. You can also add honey, vanilla, or other flavorings.

This is an easy, on-the-go breakfast option if you are running out the door — and it will keep you going until lunch! Greek yogurt is also available:

  • You can find quick breads, cakes, muffins or pancakes in our bakery.
  • This makes a wonderful meat marinade, or a base for dipping vegetables.
  • For a quick and easy dessert — dip blueberries into Greek yogurt and freeze

6. Bananas

Bananas are the most popular fruit in America (too bad they aren’t red, white, or blue).

Can bananas be a source of essential vitamins, which provide natural energy and the best part is that they do.

They don’t need to be dressed up! A plain banana with a slab of nut butter is an awesome snack as bananas provide a lasting energy boost without the common crash.

One medium banana has 105 calories and is loaded with electrolyte potassium (422 grams) so keep them close.

Bananas can be used in many different ways

  • With sliced bananas, make sweet farro or Quinoa salad
  • For a protein-packed snack, spread nut butter over the top
  • Make a refreshing snack of them by freezing them
  • Use them while baking and cut out some of the flour

7. Dark Chocolate

Do you ever crave something sweet after dinner or lunch? We are right there with you!

Dark chocolate contains natural stimulant theobromine (similar to our caffeinated friend, coffee) that gives you a feel-good buzz.

Turns out, chocolate may also give your love life a little boost — this treat is commonly thought of as an aphrodisiac. Try to get 1 ounce (or 1 square) of 70% cacao.

Try this:

  • 1-ounce of dark chocolate paired with a cup o’ herbal tea
  • Melt ½ ounce dark chocolate and dip or drizzle over strawberries or dried apricots
  • To add cocoa powder to your coffee, yogurt or oatmeal, you can use a few tablespoons

Lastly, and don’t forget… 

When it comes to energy, it takes two to tango. You should not only eat the right foods but also get your daily doses of sweat.

Exercise is good for you.

Many times we leave the gym sweaty, sore, and dare I say, energized? That’s right when you’re heart is pumping your body releases endorphins that increase energy levels.

As always, it is important to stay hydrated before and during any workout.

Feel the heat, eat right, and you’ll feel more energy!

7-Day Diet Meals Plan For Flat Belly https://lazy-girl.net/7-day-diet-meals-plan-for-flat-belly/ Sun, 26 Mar 2023 20:57:15 +0000 https://lazy-girl.net/?p=2505 Are you tired of trying different diets and exercises to lose weight? You tried everything, but you don’t get the results you want. You lose self-confidence, and your self-esteem when you gain weight.

Are you looking for a simple way to trim belly fat and flatten your stomach? This flat belly diet will help you trim your stomach fat in 7 days.

This diet plan will not contain any food that will encourage the body to store fat. This usually refers to processed foods and alcohol.

This plan includes food such as lean meats, fish and chicken, as well fresh vegetables. The main point of this plan, however, is that it was cut out because the body is typically lean and not fat.

It is known that processed foods can contaminate your body, leaving extra fat on your stomach, hips, thighs and bum. But, in order to rapidly lose all this fat, it is important to stop consuming these foods.

How to get a flat belly

It is possible to reduce the amount of processed food, but it is still important to believe that you can do this. Then, make some lifestyle changes to help your belly flatten faster.

  • Avoid CRAP: You should stay away from the following four main foods, which are Caffeine Refined Sugar, Sugar, Alcohol, as well as Processed foods.
  • Fast food is a good option once in a while If you only eat one or two portions of fancy food per week, there is no harm to your body. healthy food has to be chosen.
  • Use fish oil This is a proven way to lose excess fat and get all the essential fatty acids.
  • Make breakfast mandatory Breakfast has to be eaten just after an hour from when you wake up and if there is not much time left for breakfast go with nuts and fresh fruits.
  • After 8 PM, no heavy meals Do not entertain heavy meals in the evening especially if the body is having a feeling of being slow down.

In addition to making changes in your diet, you must also engage in a healthy physical activity. However, this should be done in an intelligent way and not in a difficult way.

Exercisers should recognize that it is better to do less than to go to the gym every day. Here are some moves to flatten your stomach which can help reduce stress hormones. These hormones are known to affect the middle portion of the body.

Breathing Squat

This type of exercise is well-known for its positive effects on those who want to lose belly fat. The steps below will help you to follow the correct procedure.

  1. Slowly do this for approximately 10 minutes.
  2. After exhaling through your nose, lower the bottom as much as you can. Next, exhale slowly and come back up.

– Energy Push:

This exercise is great for people suffering from digestive problems. It should be performed slowly and then repeated 20 times.

Standing with your feet shoulder width apart, arms extended in front and palms facing down, place your hands on your shoulders.

  1. Take a deep inhale and pull your hands towards the shoulder.
  2. Take a deep breath and then push your arms back into the starting position.

Leg Tuck:

This is a great exercise for anyone who wants to get lower abs.

  1. While your knees are bent, lie on your back and place your feet on the floor.
  2. Exhale slowly and inhale.
  3. Take a deep breath and then return your feet to the floor.

Here is a 7-day plan which will help in losing weight and is suggested to begin on a weekend that also provides sufficient time to get everything all set to go on a weight loss regime that can be proceeded for two weeks.

Here’s the 7-Day Diet Meals Program:

Day 1

Breakfast:  Prepare an omelet with three egg whites and fill it with 75g of spinach and pepper mixture.
Mid-morning snack: ½ sliced red pepper with 100g chicken
Lunch: Salad made from grilled chicken breast, red pepper, mixed salad leaves, ¼ tbsp olive oil, and green beans.
Mid-afternoon snack: ¼ sliced cucumber with 100g turkey breast
Dinner: Baked broccoli and 100g of grilled chicken breast

Day 2

Breakfast: Stir-fried Kale with baked chicken breast
Mid-morning snack: ½ sliced green pepper with 100g turkey breast
Lunch: Mixed green salad with ½ tbsp olive oil with baked haddock fillet
Mid-afternoon snack: 75g steamed broccoli with 100g turkey breast
Dinner: Salmon steak served with steamed green beans, chopped dill and salmon steak

Day 3

Breakfast: Spinach with 100g Smoked Salmon
Mid-morning snack: ½ sliced yellow pepper with 100g chicken breast
Lunch: Garden salad with ½ tbsp olive oil with one grilled chicken breast
Mid-afternoon snack: ¼ avocado with 100g turkey slices
Dinner: Steamed spinach, broccoli with cutlets, or grilled lamb steak

Day 4

Breakfast: Green beans, tomatoes, and Scrambled eggs made with one whole and two whites
Mid-morning snack: ½ sliced cucumbers with 100g turkey slices
Lunch: Salad, ½ tbsp olive oil, spinach, baked cod fillet, tomato
Mid-afternoon snack: ½ grilled courgette and 100g chicken breast
Dinner: ½ tbsp oil with green veg and stir-fried 100g chicken breast

Day 5

Breakfast: ¼ sliced avocado with ¼ sliced cucumber and 200g turkey breast
Mid-morning snack: ½ sliced red pepper with two boiled eggs
Lunch: Mixed green salad with ½ tbsp olive oil, tomatoes, and 150g grilled prawns
Mid-afternoon snack: Five almonds with 100g turkey breast
Dinner: Baked broccoli with 100g of chicken breast

Day 6

Breakfast: Roasted courgettes and peppers with grilled haddock fillet
Mid-morning snack: Sliced tomato with 100g chicken
Lunch: Green salad with ½ tbsp olive oil and steamed broccoli accompanied by 150g turkey
Mid-afternoon snack: 5 Pecan nuts and 100g chicken
Dinner: Steak, green beans, and steamed broccoli

Day 7

Breakfast: Steamed spinach, grilled tomatoes, and omelet with three egg whites
Mid-morning snack: 5 Brazil nuts with 100g turkey
Lunch: Sauteed asparagus, green salad and 150g chicken breast
Mid-afternoon snack: ¼ sliced cucumber with 100g turkey
Dinner: Steamed broccoli or orientals paired with grilled duck breast

Best Home Remedies For Fast Hair Growth https://lazy-girl.net/best-home-remedies-for-fast-hair-growth/ Sun, 26 Mar 2023 20:56:53 +0000 https://lazy-girl.net/?p=2483 Many women, as well as some men, enjoy long hair. While there are many hairstyles to choose from, nothing is better than long, straight hair.

Male pattern baldness affects many people, both men and women.

These people require a quick and easy way to grow their hair.

It can be hard to grow your hair to the length you desire. You should wait several months to see any growth in your hair.

Researchers and specialists still struggle to find a quicker way to grow hair. There are many home remedies that can quickly be applied.

This article will provide you with many home remedies that can help you achieve common hair growth issues.

5 Home Remedies For Fast Hair Growth

1. Hot Oil Massage

Oiling your hair will provide nutrients and vitamins. Oil gives hair a shiny shine.

Many people don’t like the idea that oil is constantly being rubbed into their hair. It can lead to skin problems.

You don’t have to apply the oil several times per day. Instead, give your scalp a hot oil treatment. There are many oils you can use, such as coconut oil, castor oil, and even olive oil.

These oils will help strengthen and support your hair. These oils will accelerate hair growth.

2. Potatoes

You are most likely considering, “Potatoes? By what method can a potato help me become out of my hair quicker”?

It might seem surprising, but potatoes are great at hair growth. Presently, you can’t just take an entire potato and rub it on your hair and expect results.

The result should be three potatoes going into a juicer. Concentrate the juice to achieve the best results.

Add 1 egg yolk, 1 tablespoon honey and a bit of water to the mixture.

You can apply this mixture to damp hair. After 30 minutes of heat, rinse your hair with warm running water.

You should use this treatment for at most one week. This home cure is excellent and easy to perform.

This strategy will yield results in a matter weeks.

3. Onions

Yes, onions. This is another great hair food.

If your hair is healthy and in good condition, it will grow faster.

Another mixture you should use to your hair every time you wash it is.

Do not use this mixture if hair-biting powder products are used, as it may strip the shade.

Add 4 cloves garlic and 2 cinnamon pieces. Next, add one red onions. Let them cool after they are boiled.

When the mixture is at room temperature, run the mixture through your hair. After 15 minutes, let the mixture sit for your hair. Then wash your hair with warm soapy water.

This will make your hair thicker. It will also prevent them from separating towards the end. It’s a long-term arrangement that will allow you to grow your hair longer.

Also, you will notice a higher growth rate and thicker hair. These vitamins will allow your hair to grow faster and stay fuller and healthier.

4. A Good Diet

It’s easy to glance at the most efficient and simple ways of hair development.

While it doesn’t promise that your hair will become speedier and more, it is constantly valuable to your hair and can help the procedure.

It is important to have healthy eating habits for many reasons.

It keeps your hair healthy and strengthens it. It makes your hair appear thicker and fuller, giving you long hair.

Nuts, yogurts, whole grains, and broccoli are good for your hair and scalp.

Unpleasing foods can lead to hair and skin problems.

Hair that is unlucky or damaged can be difficult to style and look less attractive.

It is a simple arrangement but it takes a lot of dedication to continue.

If you make dietary changes to promote hair growth, you will notice positive results.

5. Vitamins

Vitamins for hair development are one of best ways to have your hair sound fast. While it is best to maintain your hair’s health, vitamins for hair growth can help speed things up.

Hair supplements are easy to find and they work well. Folic corrosive tablets should be taken every day. Biotin is a hair growth supplement.

This will increase the volume and texture of your hair.

Vitamins A, E and K are great for shiny hair. Consult your doctor before you make any drastic changes in your diet or begin taking supplements.

These items are easy-to-find and will make your hair stronger and more powerful.

These tips will help you get long hair.

Follow these home remedies for hair growth and you will see results in a matter of weeks.

It is essential to give your hair the best start.

The hair can have a profound impact on how you look. To achieve the ultimate goal of looking beautiful, we should have healthy and long hair.

These home remedies can be used by anyone, thankfully.

Egg Fast Keto Rules https://lazy-girl.net/egg-fast-keto-rules/ Sat, 25 Mar 2023 22:53:40 +0000 https://lazy-girl.net/?p=2381 Let me briefly summarize the topic for those who are new to it. The diet programYou are not allowed to eat during the Egg Fast. eggsHealthy fats?, and full-fat cheese for 3 to 5 days in a row.

You should consume at least six eggs a day and one tablespoon of fat for each egg eaten.

It is important to eat equal or lesser amount of cheese than you consume each day.

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Why would you want to fast on keto eggs?

An egg fast is a great way to help those who are struggling to transition to ketosis. It will allow them to switch from burning carbs for glycogen to burning fat and then to eating food.

An egg fast may be the best option for those who have been following the keto diet for some time and are experiencing weight plateauing.

A egg fast, in other words, can give your body the boost it needs by drastically reducing your carb intake.

During this fast, you’re eating all fat. You can only eat eggs, butter, and cheese during the fast. Pure fat is either butter, olive or coconut oil.

Additionally, you have the freedom to eat your eggs in a variety of ways — scramble them in the morning, fry them for lunch, and make an omelet for dinner.

An egg fast is designed to get your body into ketosis.

These are the basic rules for keto egg fast

  • Whole eggs — yolks and whites — are the main source of fat and protein.
  • Per egg, you must eat 1 tablespoon (15g) of butter/healthy fat
  • A whole egg must be consumed within 30 minutes after you wake up.
  • Every three to five hours, you must eat an egg-based dish.
  • You must eat a meal even if you’re not hungry.
  • Full-fat cheese can be eaten up to 1 ounce (28g) per egg.
  • A minimum of six eggs should be eaten each day.
  • When possible, eggs should be from local pastured eggs
  • It is best to stop eating at least three hours before you go to bed.
  • While you can have up to three cans of diet coke per day, aim for just one.
  • Try to avoid diet sodas while on the egg fast — tea and coffee are permitted

These are the most basic rules, but people often make their own modifications.

You can eat lean meats and low-carb fruits and vegetables while on an egg diet. You can’t eat low-carb fruits and vegetables while on an egg fast.

Many people notice a reduction in hunger, cravings for sweets, and carb-rich food.

This usually happens within a couple of days. The Egg Fast will drain your carbohydrate reserves if you have accidentally replenished glycogen.

You should adjust your diet if you notice a significant weight loss over the 3- to 5-day fast.

Don’t Make it Boring

So, while some people just read that last paragraph and freaked out a little bit, wondering “how will I only eat eggs and butter for three days?” Have no fear!

There are many ways to make this work for your benefit! Here are some ideas to help you quickly turn the egg in your favor while staying within the guidelines.

  • Deviled Eggs (recipe here)
  • Omelets
  • Hard-Boiled Eggs
  • Scrambled eggs
  • Crepes

Egg Fast on and Off

When it comes to the egg fast, you don’t want to just do the egg fast, you want to switch it up. You can do the egg fast one month at a stretch.

You should take a break but you still want to do the LC or Keto to keep you on track.

Jump-starting weight loss

The egg fast works. It is a creative and effective way to get weight loss under control. Your body’s metabolism will essentially reset, making it easier for your body to lose weight.

There are some side effects that can occur when you fast eggs.

If you’re new to ketogenic diets, you may experience the keto fluYour body uses ketones as an energy source instead of glucose to cause this.

Common symptoms include increased hunger and irritability, insomnia, sleep problems, nausea, poor mental functioning, weakness, headaches and bad breath.

These symptoms should go away after a few days fasting.

Avoid the keto flu by eating a low-carb diet prior to starting an egg fast.

However, if you are one of the keto faithful, you’re already on your way toward effectively losing weight and reaping other health benefits.

Bottom line: If you’re curious about trying an egg fast, go for it! It won’t affect your hard work on the keto diet.

Just be careful not to take the egg fast too far, and always listen to your body’s needs. To ensure your body is able to handle eggs quickly, talk with your doctor or nutritionist before you dive in.

By taking a few days to refine your diet to focus only on the most fundamental keto macros, you can lay out a weight loss blueprint that’s easy for your body to follow.

So come on; break out of your shell and see if an egg fast is the solution you’ve been looking for.
