Add These Foods To Your Diet to Keep You Energized All Day

Long workdays coupled with unhealthy eating patterns leave most of us feeling like we could use more energy. Many times, we turn to instant caffeine boosters like soda or coffee for an instant energy boost.

While the immediate jolt feels good, soon enough we’re struggling again with fatigue — and unfortunately, an afternoon nap is no longer in the cards for most of us!

Especially with summer plans in full swing, it’s easy to feel run down this time of the year when our social calendars fill up with multiple meals out and not enough restorative sleep.

Keep this list handy when selecting your next meal or when you start to feel sluggish — use our tips and we promise you’ll be feeling more energetic and recharged in no time!

1. Water

Water, water, water – you hear it every day, but for good reason! Our bodies are about 60% water so yes, this means your skin, muscles, and brain are mostly made of water.

Hydration is the key to a healthy body. Good old H2When it comes to beverages, O is the way you should go. Research suggests that even mild dehydration may slow down your metabolism and decrease your energy.

Keep hydrated with water and avoid “hunger for thirst.” Remember, you should drink at least eight glasses of water per day. Here are some tips to increase your water intake.

  • Use lemon juice or orange
  • Mix basil, mint and cucumber
  • Cayenne pepper in a pinch
  • For bubbly water, switch to flat.

2. Eggs

I’m sure you know by now that eggs are a great source of protein (6.5 grams of protein in one medium egg!).

Did you know that eggs contain a lot of vitamins and minerals to increase energy and immunity?

When you eat some eggs, you’re also fueling up your body with iron and zinc. Iron is vital to a woman’s body to help boost energy and relieve you of feeling run down and tired.

Zinc provides an additional boost to your immune system. It also aids in the conversion of food into energy.

Try this:Make a breakfast that is energy-boosting by preparing three eggs, adding avocado and salsa and wrapping it in a tortilla

3. Walnuts

You’ve probably heard that walnuts are good for your mind because of their eerie familiarity with our brain.

They are jam-packed with nutrients, and something we don’t get enough of in our average modern diet.

These can provide you with up to 90% of the recommended daily intakes of omega-3 fatty acid.

This will not only increase your energy but also protect you against stroke risk and high blood pressure.

These tiny nuts have a lot of anti-inflammatory benefits and are delicious.

Try this:A handful of walnuts mixed with some cranberries, banana chips and put them in a ziplock bag.

4. Spinach

Popeye the Sailor didn’t down cans of spinach for no reason. Spinach is rich in iron, which can help to fight sluggishness. It also helps strengthen your muscles.

The next time you’re feeling tired and out of it, just think green! This leafy, green color will bring you back from fatigue and boost your energy levels so you can face the day with more vitality and energy.

Try this:Blend a few spinach leaves with coconut water and some frozen pineapple, ginger, lemon, and lemon juice to make a zesty green smoothie.

5. Greek Yogurt

The Mediterranean is famous for both healthy and delicious eats, but Greek culture certainly wins when it comes to knowing what to do with yogurt.

Greek yogurt is higher in protein and lowers in sugar and sodium than traditional yogurt. Greek yogurt is more filling than traditional yogurt, and will help keep your stomach fuller for longer.

Keep it at 2% whole or plain fat. You can also add honey, vanilla, or other flavorings.

This is an easy, on-the-go breakfast option if you are running out the door — and it will keep you going until lunch! Greek yogurt is also available:

  • You can find quick breads, cakes, muffins or pancakes in our bakery.
  • This makes a wonderful meat marinade, or a base for dipping vegetables.
  • For a quick and easy dessert — dip blueberries into Greek yogurt and freeze

6. Bananas

Bananas are the most popular fruit in America (too bad they aren’t red, white, or blue).

Can bananas be a source of essential vitamins, which provide natural energy and the best part is that they do.

They don’t need to be dressed up! A plain banana with a slab of nut butter is an awesome snack as bananas provide a lasting energy boost without the common crash.

One medium banana has 105 calories and is loaded with electrolyte potassium (422 grams) so keep them close.

Bananas can be used in many different ways

  • With sliced bananas, make sweet farro or Quinoa salad
  • For a protein-packed snack, spread nut butter over the top
  • Make a refreshing snack of them by freezing them
  • Use them while baking and cut out some of the flour

7. Dark Chocolate

Do you ever crave something sweet after dinner or lunch? We are right there with you!

Dark chocolate contains natural stimulant theobromine (similar to our caffeinated friend, coffee) that gives you a feel-good buzz.

Turns out, chocolate may also give your love life a little boost — this treat is commonly thought of as an aphrodisiac. Try to get 1 ounce (or 1 square) of 70% cacao.

Try this:

  • 1-ounce of dark chocolate paired with a cup o’ herbal tea
  • Melt ½ ounce dark chocolate and dip or drizzle over strawberries or dried apricots
  • To add cocoa powder to your coffee, yogurt or oatmeal, you can use a few tablespoons

Lastly, and don’t forget… 

When it comes to energy, it takes two to tango. You should not only eat the right foods but also get your daily doses of sweat.

Exercise is good for you.

Many times we leave the gym sweaty, sore, and dare I say, energized? That’s right when you’re heart is pumping your body releases endorphins that increase energy levels.

As always, it is important to stay hydrated before and during any workout.

Feel the heat, eat right, and you’ll feel more energy!

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