10 Things No One Tells You About Losing 100+ Pounds

This post was written by Alexis, an OYS writer. Trading Cardio for Cosmos. You can also find her online Facebook and Instagram sharing her awesome weight loss tips motivation!! She’s lost over 100lbs so she has lots to share!

I started my weight loss journey in November of 2014, and I’ve kept my 100+ pound weight loss off for more than one year.

This journey has been filled with many amazing, proud, inspiring, sad, funny and discouraging moments.

As prepared as I tried to make myself, there are some things I wish I had known before they happened.

Here are 10 things nobody told me before starting my 100lb weight loss journey.

#1. Your feet will shrink.

I’ve always had big feet, and the heavier I got the more I needed a 1/2 size bigger or wider shoe. My feet began to shrink and my shoes started to fall off.

I felt like Cinderella when I walked out of my shoes, not just one but both!

#2. Tummy problems can result from eating foods you were unable to eat in the past.

Sweets were never a problem for me, but grease and carbs are a sure winner in my book. I had gone so long without ever eating a greasy hamburger and I was completely wiped out the first time I tried one. Overdoing it with pasta can leave me feeling lethargic for at most 24 hours.

I’ve learned the only way to enjoy these items without GI distress is by eating sensible portions in moderation.

#3. #3. People will treat your differently

It can feel amazing sometimes and awkward at other times. People who are genuinely surprised and excited for you and your health are amazing, but I’ve found that men who pay me attention now that wouldn’t have looked my way before just come off creepy.

If I wasn’t good enough before, you’re not good enough now.

#4. Your taste buds will change.

I have a list of food items I didn’t like before my weight loss and today I can tolerate or even like most of these foods. Spicy foods, carrots, mushrooms, trout…

My body began to crave healthier choices and I started to enjoy new flavors. In my opinion, more healthy options are always better!

#5. There will be times when you indulge in junk food and feel guilty.

Last weekend, I attended three barbecues and a rehearsal dinner. About halfway through the second BBQ, I forgot that I’m not good at grazing and just ate mindlessly for the next three days.

Old habits can still sneak in from time to time. The best thing you can do for yourself is to admit the error, forgive yourself, and then go back to the healthy habits that work for you.

#6. You’ll be happier, more confident, and stronger.

Okay, so you may know what to expect but are you aware how it can transform your relationships? I’ve always been the sidekick, funny one, etc., and I was shocked to find out that I can tolerate so many rude comments and inconsiderate treatment even though I am heavier.

I started to seek out adventures and opportunities I wouldn’t have dreamed of before, and that intimidated a lot of my friends and peers.

It was important that I stood up for myself and didn’t put myself in uncomfortable situations. This has had a profound impact on my friendships and relationships with other people.

#7. #7. You’ll go to any lengths to save money on healthier options.

I cannot stand having to pay more for egg whites or to substitute a side salad for French fries, but I do it because I’m worth it and healthy eating is a priority for me.

I make my morning cup, my breakfast, lunch, and snack at home. That saves me the extra cost of eating healthy out.

#8. You will get bold about asking friends and family what’s for dinner, suggesting healthier alternatives, or bringing your own food.

When I first started losing weight I didn’t want anyone to know. It is crazy, because everyone would know if I was successful.

I’ve found that I am more open to suggesting healthy options like chicken sausages in place of pork, or grilled vegetables instead of potato salad.

I’m also much more willing to just bring my own healthy options. I always make enough food to share so I can have healthy options at the tailgate.

#9. No matter what you do, your skin will not return to its former state.

While I was able to lose -100lbs using intense cardio, the areas around my belly, upper arms and thighs are not going to be perfect.

However, I can make them appear more toned. I’m more healthy, and that has always been worth a little loose skin to me.

#10. It will take longer than you expect. 

This journey will bring you many ups and lows in both life and on the scale.

But if you give yourself the same time, patience, energy, and love you show the world, there is nothing you can’t do!

What do you think? What are some lessons you’re learning through your weight loss journey?

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